How to stay safe if you are high profile

1 March 2023

How to not just 'feel safer' but actually 'be safer’ if you are a high-profile person

High profile security and protection

It’s easy to lure ourselves into a false sense of security. Nowadays there is a range of technologies and services to make us feel safe, whether that’s CCTV cameras and alarm systems or bodyguards and self-protection items - that we can carry on us when we are out in public. But how safe are these solutions? How well do they really protect us?

Many of these solutions do a great job of making us feel safe, but the way in which they can help us in a threatening situation can be VERY limited.

A weapon or pepper spray, for example, is only usable if we see the attack coming, and even then, it most likely offers a low-level form of initial protection (an aggressor with a similar weapon is likely to persist even if you do strike the first blow).

A lot of these solutions might also help deter someone or make them think twice about carrying out their plans, but in reality, a hardened professional is still likely to carry out their objectives and isn’t going to be deterred by a CCTV camera or pepper spray.

Trained protection dogs

There is, however, a way to not just feel safer, but be safer - and that’s with the use of trained protection dogs that are able to deal with a range of scenarios and environments - from a home break-in to someone verbally or physically attacking you in public.

At K9 Protector we provide, on the whole, alsatian protection dogs because of their high levels of intelligence, quick learning, quick responses and large stature – all of which offer the large physical presence and the ability to deter, defend and, if necessary, engage with someone in a potentially life-threatening situation.

Security Muscle Dogs

To be clear, we aren’t talking about providing dogs for security purposes such as untrained muscle dogs that help keep criminals away from warehouses.

Dogs for security is not the answer.

We only offer alsatian protection dogs that are fully vetted and trained - and we use alsatians that have the intelligence and character to understand how to protect their owner.

When it comes to personal protection (rather than the protection of business premises) our trained protection dogs make the best personal K9 bodyguards.

We often refer to a trained protection dog as the “sword by your side” - always with you and ready to defend you if and when the time comes.

Trained to protect you

In reality, the intelligence and character of alsatian dogs when fully trained by us means that they are more than that.

They also offer great family-friendly protection as they can blend into a family environment very well and are perfect for protecting your home, and most importantly, your loved ones.

Get in touch with us here at K9 Protector if you would like to know more about our alsatian protection dogs. We would be happy to discuss your personal situation and your requirements.


Don’t just feel safer, be safer with a trained protection dog from K9 Protector!