When it comes to looking after the safety of yourself and your family, there’s no compromise. You want (and must have) the best level of security in place to protect you.

Unfortunately, having a high level of personal protection means you could end up with highly visible bodyguards that grab the attention of others when you are out in public.

To a certain extent, this is ok because it might deter anyone from attacking, but it can also draw more attention to your presence. If you want to visit someone or something in public then criminals are more likely to know where you are, thanks to the presence of your security team of bodyguards.

Bodyguards have another drawback which is that there is very little opportunity for privacy in your life. If you want to have a private conversation then do you risk your security by relieving them for a few minutes, or do you let them listen in to what’s happening in your very personal life, including highly confidential business discussions?

If you are having a private conversation, then the person you are talking to might also feel uncomfortable having someone else listening in, even if that third party is committed to keeping what they hear to themself.

So, how do you combine staying safe with staying under the radar - where you don’t stand out in public, and where you can have truly private conversations?

The answer is to use Alsatian protection dogs

At K9 Protector, we offer the ultimate level of personal protection by providing highly-trained and intelligent Alsatian protection dogs.

We put each dog through an individual training programme to ensure that they can react to different, and threatening, circumstances and, because of their nature, Alsatian protection dogs also make great family-friendly protection. They are great among families and at home with kids.

The discretion of personal protection dogs 

As well as being the ultimate in personal protection, a trained German shepherd is also much more discrete than a bodyguard.

They can follow you in public, always by your side, without drawing attention to you. And you can have a business, personal or any other type of conversation that’s highly confidential, without worrying that someone else is listening.

They might not stand out like bodyguards, but their presence will put off anyone thinking of attacking or stealing from you. After all, would you risk coming face to face with a powerful trained German shepherd with a full set of sharp teeth?

A trained German shepherd (also referred to as Alsatian protection dogs) can protect you and your family both at home and in public 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Combining the love of a family-friendly pet and the ultimate in discreet security - trained protection dogs will protect you and your family. They don’t require holiday pay, sick leave, regular coffee breaks or be on shifts, only working a limited number of hours a day. Alsatian protection dogs will happily do the day shift and the night shift!

Personal bodyguard dogs from K9 Protector

Is it time for a trained German shepherd? 

Contact K9 Protector today to find out more about our Alsatian protection dogs and how they can provide you with the ultimate in personal and family-friendly protection.

One of our team members would be delighted to answer any questions that you might have.