Be careful where you shop online.

If you order a german shepherd online make sure you don't get the human variety by accident - and if you choose the canine variety - make sure you get a full trained german shepherd from a reputable protection dog training company, like K9 Protector.

We’ve all made bad purchasing decisions in our lives - some more important than others. That new coat, stylish pair of boots or Saturday night takeaway that you wish you hadn’t chosen might be a very short-term annoyance, but the wrong house, car or personal protection that either costs a lot of money or puts lives at risk is a bad decision you want to avoid completely.

A trained German Shepherd?

When it comes to making the right purchase or investment, it doesn’t get any more important than finding the right form of personal protection and, at K9 Protector, we understand our client's concerns when it comes to knowing they have made the right decision.

We provide the highest quality trained german shepherds (of the canine variety) to help protect our customers from dangerous situations. When an intruder enters their home and the stakes are high, there’s no dodgy-looking guy slumped on the sofa (see pic) or muscle guard dog that doesn’t know how to deal with the situation.

All of our Alsatian protection dogs are trained to read the situation and to know how to react accordingly. Their physical presence, strength, sense of smell and hearing - and advanced-level training all play a key role in making sure that intruders are dealt with in the best possible way, with the right outcome.

Guard dogs versus protection dogs

Guard dogs (as opposed to Alsatian protection dogs) aren’t able to provide personal protection for individuals and their families. They might be aggressive and scary, but they can also be vicious, unpredictable and hard to train. Their nature also doesn’t make them a good choice when it comes to family-friendly protection. When looking for personal protection make sure to understand exactly what you are getting.

If you are looking for a protection dog then ask questions such as “Is this the right breed of dog?”, “Is the dog trained to know how to handle different situations?” and “What support am I getting to maintain the level of protection?”.

Other types of family-friendly protection

Of course, there are alternatives to having a protection dog when it comes to personal or family-friendly protection, but it’s important to know the pros and cons (and risks) of each option.

Having a personal bodyguard is one option and, providing you deal with an established, reputable company, then your level of protection will be high. The right bodyguard that’s fully trained can make you feel a lot safer, but there are limitations.

A single bodyguard can’t be with your 24/7 and having a team to protect you can quickly become costly. Having a trained german shepherd to protect you, however, is much lower cost - and they can be with you and your family 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Personal protection dogs for sale

The phrase “beware of what you ask for” might sound like a cliche but, in many cases, it’s so true. When looking for personal protection, make sure you think carefully about what you want, and to ask the right questions.

At K9 Protector, we are proud of our many years of experience keeping our clients safe, whether they are at home, at work, or out in public.

We have an exclusive number of personal protection dogs for sale that provide the highest level of personal and family-friendly protection - and our ongoing support ensures that you can feel safe on a daily basis.

Get in touch today

Get in touch to find out more about our fully-trained german shepherds and how they can help protect you and your family.