There’s definitely an art to effective protection dog training - and to remembering what has been learned!

How to keep your protection dogs trained for the ultimate in personal protection

As humans, if we receive poor training we can easily and quickly forget what we have learned, but the challenge is even greater for training protection dogs and ensuring that they retain what they have been taught.

Protection dogs don’t just need a different and tailored training programme to learn, they also require constant reinforcement and tactics such as encouragement and treats to ensure they learn effectively.

At K9 Protector, we provide trained german shepherds that know how to protect their owner as well as their family and home. These highly trained protection dogs, however, need regular support and training to ensure they stay at the top of their game.

And that’s why we offer a range of online training packages for your trained protection dog.

Protection dog training packages

Our various packages have been developed and perfected over time and are optimised to make sure that your protection dog has the skills necessary to protect you.

They are also adapted to your lifestyle. You can, for example, go at your own pace and dip in and out of the content depending on your schedule. Each membership level includes a full range of videos and other materials to make training as easy and hassle-free as possible.

There’s also unlimited access to the training materials. If you feel that your family protection dog needs training in a specific area then you can access the relevant materials that will make a difference.

Programmes cover a range of topics from how to react to different situations when there’s a threat to diet and nutrition, how to develop focus and how to develop sociability. 

Topics such as diet and nutrition are often overlooked, but these areas are important for a trained german shepherd to stay alert, strong and focused.

All programmes are very affordable and you can upgrade or downgrade at any time. There are 5 programmes in total to choose from.

If you would like to find out more about our online protection dog training programmes, please get in touch or...